Utopia Alternative to EdgeFile® X7
FireWire Blaze Heat Treated 04 & 06 File Sizes 17 to 45


New and Improved Version of EdgeFile X7

The Remarkable EdgeX7 UtopiaTM

EdgeX7 UtopiaTM delivers a Technology-Enhanced EdgeFile X7® with a Remarkably-Beautiful gold blade featuring our FireWire Blaze heat treatment. Plus, we added our new ultra secure, ultra-fit handle and shank.

FireWire Blaze

 FireWire Blaze—Years to develop and worth every minute. We wanted to outdo our original FireWire and with FireWire Blaze, we believe we have! We believe you will love the feel and flexibility as you negotiate the most challenging canals.


EndoSequence® is a registered trademark of Brasseler USA. Vortex® is a registered trademark of Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties.