by Julie Cabrera | Oct 21, 2019 | Studies, Uncategorized |
A publication of CR Foundation® Printed September 2019, with permission, from Vol. 12 Issue 10, Pages 1-2 Gordon’s Clinical Observations: Low-cost diamond rotary instruments have long been accepted as similar in performance to diamond instruments that cost ten...
by Julie Cabrera | Nov 19, 2018 | Slider (Homepage), Studies, Uncategorized |
For printable PDF version click here: Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Analysis of Canal Transportation and Centering Ability of Single-file...
by Julie Cabrera | Nov 11, 2016 | Uncategorized |
From the Docs Detailed case studies. Dr. Cliff Leffingwell Endodontist , Lincoln Endodontics Dr. Leffingwell has been an EdgeEndo user for almost 4 years. He made the switch to Edge when he discovered the ability to effectively and safely navigate and shape root canal...
by Julie Cabrera | Nov 11, 2016 | Uncategorized |
From the Docs Detailed case studies. Can this tooth be saved? Dr. Justin B. Jergensen Dentist, My Fairfield Dentist This case study has been republished with permission from Dr. Justin Jergensen Can this tooth be saved? Root canals on second molars can be a...
by Julie Cabrera | Aug 18, 2016 | Studies, Uncategorized |
More Studies Keep Showing EdgeEndo Domination! EdgeEndo® files continue to be recognized as superior files. Many manufacturers are focused on refining the performance of NiTi. In recent studies conducted by university students and presented at the AAE conference,...
by Julie Cabrera | Jul 12, 2016 | Studies, Uncategorized |
Effect of Temperature on NiTi Cyclic Fatigue Dr. Andy Dosanjh – The University of Detroit Mercy A pilot study conducted at the University of Detroit Mercy showed EdgeFile files to have significantly greater cycles compared to competing files. The purpose of this...